Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Does everyone understand their contribution to customer value?

We had a great masterclass last night talking about LEAN and one of the things that stood out for me was the question about whether or not everyone in the company understands how they contribute to customer value.

Having worked in many sectors I have some great stories to illustrate both sides of this and thought I would use today to share them.

Running a development programme in the public sector I once talked to a porter who when asked what his job was did not give the answer everyone expected. We had all thought he would say taking things or people from one place to another but he didnt. Here is his answer, "I make the journey a patient takes more comfortable, informative and enjoyable by taking care of the people I am looking after. "


This was someone who had thought about his contribution to ensuring that when people are really scared on trolleys or in chairs they are given the best attention and really looked after so that it is not about the journey but about the experience. This porter is the kind of person we all want working for us and whilst some would see the consultant as the most important person perhaps thinking about it differently and realising that people need care at every stage of admission should be central to great healthcare.

In a  business I worked with which fitted kitchens when I asked what someone did they answered "I fit Kitchens". Yes, that is what they actually do but how is that adding value to the customer? Perhaps a better answer would have been I put in kitchens which make people really happy and ensure that they have minimum issues and mess whilst I do it.

Which of those two people would you want to have putting in your new kitchen?

Take some time and consider your job and what you do and think about how you add value to the customer. Next time someone asks you what you do try to answer in terms of adding value to customers rather than the nuts and bolts of your job description.

This is a great exercise to do with employees as well and thier answers can surprise you. When people really understand how they add value to the customer and what their contribution is it can make a real difference to their attitude to work as well.

Let me know if you have any great experiences you want to share.

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