Monday, 2 January 2012

That was last year - a look ahead

Amongst all the news about the continuing crisis in the Euro Zone and the issues of economic slow down, recession or crisis there are some commentators recommending we look forward and put 2011 to bed.

So what does this year hold for social enterprise, charities and businesses?

1. There is a real expectation that consumer spending and confidence may rise a little this year, particularly after the summer (around the time of the Olympics). There will be a big difference between the first half of the year and the second in that case. This presents a challenge for business to start to exploit that good feeling in the second half of the year and make sure that the ground work is completed in the first half of the year.

2. The latest global economic survey from Ipsos Mori says we are one of the gloomiest economic nations on earth going into 2012. Yes this could be a very slow recovery but the thing for business is to ensure that the building blocks for success are in place and for those of us who support business to continue to make sure we deliver the right support for success.

3. The internet and online business market will continue to flourish because it makes economic sense and can cross geographical boundaries. The role of social media in crossing those boundaries and in ensuring business success will increasingly make the difference between success and failure. Business will need to be flexible and connected.

4.The role of the social enterprise will continue to step into gaps left by the decline of the public sector and to really make a mark in forging a different type of business and enterprise possible in the UK. Collaboration in economic crisis is paramount to success and that the key to that success lies in smaller scale, local solutions.

5. Charities and social enterprises will need to continue their creative drive in order to remain profitable and to find new sources of funding. There will be a need for greater support and networking between them all in order to share best practice and support new ways of solving gaps in funding. One of the crucial issues will be getting business to work alongside social enterprise in order to fully realise value on both sides and in order to close the gap and align social enterprise with commercial purposes.

6.  Aligning social benefit with and value with business will become an increasing issue in 2012. A new white paper looking at commissioning in the public sector is focussing on just this and will push for commissioning with social value.

7. Networking is key to both business and social enterprise and charity success this year. It will be increasingly important to reach out and create a social fellowship where good ideas and support can be shared.

8. With a shrinking public sector there are opportunities for the private sector, social enterprises and charities to step into the void and provide local, competent and innovative solutions. With GP commissioning becoming a real issue social enterprises can provide flexible solutions to issues such as long term and chronic illness.

9. Business and the third sector will need to pay greater attention to data and make sure it delivers not just financials but also information and insight into customers, business opportunities and cost savings. There is a plethora of free tools out there and this is one market I see continuing to grow.

10. There will be more mobile working in 2012 with an increase in the use of home working and the benefits that brings for both companies and employees. This will also mean ensuring that information and data is protected as much on mobile tools as it is in the office. Hopefully it will mean a reduction in face to face meetings which are unproductive and time wasting.

So these are my top ten reasons for thinking that 2012 will be a better year for business and social enterprise than 2011. What do you think the year holds for us all?

We welcome comments and interaction. CBPartners is running a series of free networking events to help you and your business starting in January.

Business development Drop in days
Monday 9th January
Monday 6th February
Tuesday 6th March

Our next Employers Forum is on the 24th January and will feature talks on managing marketing priorities from Jean Atkinson of Eden Marketing Ltd and a discussion on online security from Lee Hezzlewood. There is a free buffet lunch and the opportunity to network with other businesses.

Please ring us on 01254 505050 to book a place and discuss your business needs.

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